
Norwich Theatre Royal

The current Norwich Theatre Royal was built in 1935 on the site of an existing theatre that had been destroyed by fire a year earlier. It had been modified in a piecemeal fashion in the 1980s and 1990s. Although one of the most successful regional theatres, there had been little investment in the public areas, and there was very little space for the size of bar or quantity of toilets needed for the large audience.

The project has created a new extension that links the existing foyers with new restaurant and work space in an adjacent building. The entire front of house area has been enlarged and re-planned with a new box office, lifts, bars, a restaurant, hospitality rooms and increased toilet provision.

The auditorium itself has been upgraded with new seating, improved legroom, better ventilation, new decorations, lighting and better technical installations.

The remodelled elevations radically improve the public perception of the building and its relationship to the city, with a much greater degree of open-ness and transparency than the previous facade. The remodelled Foyers contain generous areas to serve food and drink, and have helped achieve the self-sustainability of this important regional arts centre.

  • ClientThe Theatre Royal, Norwich
  • LocationNorwich
  • The Norwich Society Design Award, 2009
  • RICS East Awards Overall Winner & Community Benefit Award, 2008
  • Local Authority Building Control Awards (East) Winner, 2008

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